PROCEPT new website on line!

PROCEPT particle engineering processing equipment - new website goes live

PROCEPT new website on line

Today we are proud to present a completely new, modern and responsive website.

Our goal was to provide our website visitors with useful technical information about our Best in Class particle engineering processing equipment. For each type of equipment the website provides direct links to the various applications and processes for which each machine can be used.

There are links to on-line forms for:

  • Requests for general information and product brochures.
  • Submission of sales enquires.
  • Requests for service and technical support.
  • Applications for open employment opportunities.

We sincerely hope that our website visitors and customers will find all the presented information useful and informative.

PROCEPT XEDEV new facility ready

PROCEPT Xedev new facility ready

PROCEPT XEDEV new facility ready

The PROCEPT XEDEV new facilty ready and our new facility can now welcome our PROCEPT & XEDEV TEAMS, thanks to a great job of our coordinators and contractors!

In the meantime, we took the chance to restyle our logo’s, confirming more than ever our symbiotic existence. The symbols stand for our engineering of particle processing technologies and our generation of particles.

The colors symbolizes Trust, Loyalty, Confidence, Stability, Harmony, Growth, Ambition, Nature, Enthusiasm, Perseverance, Creativity, Success, Health, Happiness and Fascination… all of which both PROCEPT & XEDEV stand for.

We hope to welcome our customers and partners very soon in this impressive new workspace in Zele, Belgium, and we wish you all for 2021 the return of the complete freedom and stability! Stay safe and take care…


🤝 We make each other Stronger 🤝 🤝

Impressive HVAC package arrives at PROCEPT

PROCEPT impressive HVAC arrives - PROCEPT particle engineering processing equipment

Impressive HVAC arrives at PROCEPT

Today we welcomed our impressive HVAC package for our brand new pre-clinical and GMP facility, that will have a minimum CO2 footprint by integrating 6 km piping of geothermal energy and a photovoltaic rooftop.

We continuously strengthen our synergies between PROCEPT & XEDEV in process equipment technology and particle engineering services to improve our customer’s R&D.

Yes we are still on schedule for the move in Q4/2020 thanks to our great partners and customers 🙏 XEDEV and PROCEPT