PROCEPT – XEDEV Teambuilding 2022

Official XEDEV GMP authorization achieved

PROCEPT - XEDEV Teambuilding 2022

It was great to see the strong dynamics in our PROCEPT – XEDEV Team during our 2 days outdoor Teambuilding activity!

Thank you PROCEPT – XEDEV Team for being these fantastic people!

Thank you Wildtrails (Outdoor – Teambuilding – Training – Events) for being our super host!

🤝 We make each other Stronger 🤝 🤝

10th XEDEV Anniversary

10th XEDEV Anniversary - PROCEPT particle engineering processing equipment

10th XEDEV Anniversary

We enjoyed our 10th XEDEV anniversary and want to thank all customers and partners for their continued trust in our strong & skilled team which has resulted in 10 years of continued innovation and healthy growth.

We’ll continue to serve the market with the same spirit of professionalism, perserverance, reactivity, confidence and fascination.

🤝 We make each other Stronger 🤝 🤝

PROCEPT new website on line!

PROCEPT particle engineering processing equipment - new website goes live

PROCEPT new website on line

Today we are proud to present a completely new, modern and responsive website.

Our goal was to provide our website visitors with useful technical information about our Best in Class particle engineering processing equipment. For each type of equipment the website provides direct links to the various applications and processes for which each machine can be used.

There are links to on-line forms for:

  • Requests for general information and product brochures.
  • Submission of sales enquires.
  • Requests for service and technical support.
  • Applications for open employment opportunities.

We sincerely hope that our website visitors and customers will find all the presented information useful and informative.

Engineering inhalation powers by Spray Drying

Engineering inhalation powders by spray drying

Engineering inhalation powders by Spray Drying: at the border between chemical engineering, physics and pharmacy.

University of Liège using a PROCEPT spray dryer, announces its new publication “Engineering inhalation powders by Spray Drying” in the International Journal of Pharmaceutics Elsevier.

The results of a fruitful collaboration between labs having different expertises: pharmaceutical technology – chemical engineering – physics.

Find the paper here:

Thank you to all co-authors:
Brigitte Evrard – Geoffroy Lumay – @Nicolas Vandewalle – Angélique Léonard – Erwan Plougonven – Luisa Fernanda Orozco Ardila. Université de Liège.

PROCEPT customer Orexo develops differentiated nasal adrenaline medication

Orexo nasal adrenaline medication development - PROCEPT particle engineering processing equipment

PROCEPT's sucessful customer Orexo develops differentiated nasal adrenaline medication.

Orexo develops it’s nasal medication, reaching its R&D objectives and reconfirming that our PROCEPT Spray Dryer has become the “World Standard” process instrument in R&D of particle engineering, poorly soluble API’s, stabilization of Biologics, encapsulation, …
We make each other stronger 🤝

Enabling advanced functionalisation powder particles

Enabiling advanced functionalisation powder particles

Enabling advanced functionalisation powder particles

The ICON project FUNY will investigate whether the existing process to add functionalities to powder particles by wet coating can be made more sustainable.

The project proposes to integrate two core technologies for the production of functionalised particles: atmospheric plasma technology from Molecular Plasma Group and coating reactor technology from PROCEPT.

This combined technology will open up opportunities for the functionalisation of particles in a wide variety of applications, and support companies in making their processes more sustainable.

PROCEPT XEDEV end year 2021

PROCEPT Xedev end year 2019

PROCEPT XEDEV end year 2021

During the PROCEPT XEDEV end year 2021 celebration we wished all our customers, partners and suppliers a relaxing Holiday Season.

Thank you all for your business and collaboration over this past year 2021. We look forward to a Hopeful 2022.

🤝 We make each other Stronger 🤝 🤝

PROCEPT MPG plasma powder coating technology

Engineering inhalation powders by spray drying

PROCEPT MPG plasma powder coating technology webinar

Learn about our PROCEPT MPG plasma powder coating technology in our webinar!

We are the green transition of particle functionalization and encapsulation:
• Merging cold atmospheric plasma and fluid bed reactor technology
• Room temperature and atmospheric pressure
• Single step, solvent-free process
• Fast process (10 – 100x)
• Nano and micrometric layers

PROCEPT / XEDEV 1st social event

PROCEPT website on line - PROCEPT particle engineering processing equipment

PROCEPT / XEDEV 1st social event

We enjoyed our first social event with the PROCEPT & XEDEV teams, since we entered our brand new facility in Q1/21. We blessed our new building and wrote down our wishes for the future.

With this important milestone we created the foundation for the next stage our growth in supplying high-end services and technology for Particle Engineering. We would like to thank again all our customers for the continued confidence in PROCEPT & XEDEV.

🤝 We make each other Stronger 🤝 🤝

Zerion installs new PROCEPT spray dryer

Zerion installs new PROCEPT spray dryer - PROCEPT particle engineering processing equipment

PROCEPT customer Zerion installs new PROCEPT Spray Dryer

Our PROCEPT customer Zerion installs a new PROCEPT spray dryer and announces:
“We are thrilled to that we have recently received and installed our new PROCEPT spray dryer. This enables us to scale up Dispersome® formulations for high containment processing of potent drug molecules. We can now accelerate our work towards providing patients with faster access to life-changing treatments. Follow us to stay updated on the Dispersome® journey.”

XEDEV GMP Training

Xedev GMP training

Xedev GMP Training

The first GMP training from our XEDEV’s QA Manager Natascha Van Vooren took place in our brand new facility in Zele, assisted by a bless 🌈 from nature.

We are on track and daily working hard to get our GMP authorization within Q3/21…Thank you XEDEV Team for your hard professional work and strong persistence 🙏!

🤝 We make each other Stronger 🤝 🤝

PROCEPT XEDEV new facility ready

PROCEPT Xedev new facility ready

PROCEPT XEDEV new facility ready

The PROCEPT XEDEV new facilty ready and our new facility can now welcome our PROCEPT & XEDEV TEAMS, thanks to a great job of our coordinators and contractors!

In the meantime, we took the chance to restyle our logo’s, confirming more than ever our symbiotic existence. The symbols stand for our engineering of particle processing technologies and our generation of particles.

The colors symbolizes Trust, Loyalty, Confidence, Stability, Harmony, Growth, Ambition, Nature, Enthusiasm, Perseverance, Creativity, Success, Health, Happiness and Fascination… all of which both PROCEPT & XEDEV stand for.

We hope to welcome our customers and partners very soon in this impressive new workspace in Zele, Belgium, and we wish you all for 2021 the return of the complete freedom and stability! Stay safe and take care…


🤝 We make each other Stronger 🤝 🤝

Impressive HVAC package arrives at PROCEPT

PROCEPT impressive HVAC arrives - PROCEPT particle engineering processing equipment

Impressive HVAC arrives at PROCEPT

Today we welcomed our impressive HVAC package for our brand new pre-clinical and GMP facility, that will have a minimum CO2 footprint by integrating 6 km piping of geothermal energy and a photovoltaic rooftop.

We continuously strengthen our synergies between PROCEPT & XEDEV in process equipment technology and particle engineering services to improve our customer’s R&D.

Yes we are still on schedule for the move in Q4/2020 thanks to our great partners and customers 🙏 XEDEV and PROCEPT